联系方式:xhzhu@ahpu.edu.cn QQ:403565526
2016.05~至今 安徽工程大学电气工程学院
2018.12~2019.02 日本电气通信大学 客员研究员
2010.09~2015.12 哈尔滨工业大学物理电子学博士
2008.09~2010.07 哈尔滨工业大学光学硕士
[1] 安徽省高校省级自然科学研究重点项目,KJ2017A124,在研,主持。
[2] 检测技术与节能装置安徽省重点实验室开放基金,2017070503B026-A08,在研,主持。
[3] 光电材料科学与技术安徽省重点实验室开放课题,OMST201903,在研,主持。
[4] 安徽工程大学国家自然科学基金预研项目,2018YYZR14,在研,主持。
[5] 安徽工程大学引进人才项目,2016YQQ016,已结题,主持。
[6] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,61138005,已结题,参加。
[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61378007,已结题,参加。
[8] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,61205073,已结题,参加。
[1] Zhu Xuehua. Measurement of the threshold of nonfocusing pumped stimulated Brillouin scattering based on the spatial characteristic of the reflected pulse. Applied Optics, 2019, 58(15):4200-4204. (SCI检索)
[2] Zhu Xuehua, Wang Guanling and Wu Daohua. Numerical investigation of the dependence of stimulated Brillouin scattering threshold on the pump intensity fluctuation. Laser and Particle Beams, 2019, 37(2):231-234.(SCI检索)
[3] Zhu Xuehua, Wu Daohua, Wang Guanling and Wang Zhenggang. High efficiency laser spatial beam smoothing based on stimulated Brillouin scattering. Laser Physics, 2019, 29:065402. (SCI检索)
[4] Zhu Xuehua, Yang Huicheng, Wang Guanling, Wu Daohua and Qiu Yueyou. Optimising of the material and laser parameters for high-power laser spatial beam smoothing based on stimulated Brillouin scattering. Laser Physics, 2019, 29:075402. (SCI检索)
[5] Zhu Xuehua, Yang Huicheng, Dai Guangzhen and Wang Guanling. Experimental demonstration of optical single sideband signal generation based on multi-frequency phase modulation in optical fibers. Optik, 2019, 182:712-715. (SCI检索)
[6] Zhu Xuehua; Wang Guanling; Dai Guangzhen. Measurement of the threshold of stimulated brillouin scattering with super-Gaussian-shaped laser pulses. CLEO-PR, 2018, 8699473.(EI检索)
[7] 朱学华,代广珍,王正刚,王冠凌,宋晓庆. 基于多频相位调制的光学单边带调制器研究. 光电子•激光, 2018, 29(11):1173-1178.
[8] Wang Yulei#, Zhu Xuehua#, Lu Zhiwei and Zhang Hengkang. Self-pumped SBS effect of high power super Gaussian shaped laser pulses. Laser and Particle Beams, 2016, 34(1):72-79.(SCI检索)
[9] Wang Yulei, Liu Zhaohong, Zhu Xuehua, Liu Rui, Cui Can. Controllable high energy nanosecond flat-top waveform generated by Brillouin amplification. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2016, 28(6):705-708 (SCI检索)
[10] Wang Yulei, Zhu Xuehua*, Lu Zhiwei* and Zhang Hengkang. Generation of 360 ps laser pulses with 3 J energy by stimulated Brillouin scattering with a nonfocusing scheme. Optics Express, 2015, 23(18):23318.(SCI检索)
[11] Zhu Xuehua, Lu Zhiwei and Wang Yulei, High stability, single frequency, 300mJ, 130ps laser pulse generation based on stimulated Brillouin scattering pulse compression, Laser and Particle Beams, 2015, 33(1):11-15. (SCI检索)
[12] Zhu Xuehua, Lu Zhiwei, Wang Yulei, et.al. Single Frequency 310ps, 1.67J Laser Pulses Generation with Nonfocusing-pumped Stimulated Brillouin Scattering. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, USA, 2015, paper JTh2A.97.(EI检索)
[13] Zhu Xuehua, Wang Yulei and Lu Zhiwei. Measurement of the threshold of nonfocusing-pumped stimulated Brillouin scattering based on temporal characteristic of the reflected pulse, Applied Physics Express, 2014, 7(12):122601(SCI检索)
[14] Zhu Xuehua, Lu Zhiwei, Wang Yulei, An Xiwen and Li Mu. High Stability 136ps Laser Pulse Generation Based on Stimulated Brillouin Scattering. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, USA, 2013, paper JTh2A.063. (EI检索)
[15] Zhu Xuehua, Lu Zhiwei and Wang Yulei, A new method for measuring the threshold of stimulated Brillouin scattering, Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21(7):074205. (SCI检索)
[16] 朱学华,潘玉寨,王莎莎,苏晓慧. 提高制作光纤光栅时飞秒激光光斑质量的方法. 红外与激光工程, 2012, 41(7):1750-1754. (EI检索)
[17] 朱学华,潘玉寨. 基于飞秒激光直写光纤光栅的掺镱光纤激光器. 强激光与粒子束, 2011, 23(4):934-938. (EI检索)
[1] 国家发明专利:一种基于多频相位调制的单边带频谱产生装置及方法.(专利号:ZL201711270327.0)
[2] 国家发明专利:基于反射光波形测量非聚焦泵浦的受激布里渊散射阈值的装置及阈值测量方法.(专利号:ZL201410074811.6)
[1] 2018年指导学生获“西门子杯”中国智能制造挑战赛全国一等奖,本人获“优秀指导教师”奖
[2] 2017年指导学生获“西门子杯”中国智能制造挑战赛全国三等奖
[3] 2019年指导学生获“西门子杯”中国智能制造挑战赛华东三赛区特等奖
[4] 2017年指导学生获得安徽省大学生电子设计竞赛二等奖
[5] 2019年安徽省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目:基于FPGA的半导体激光器驱动电源研究
[6] 2018年安徽省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目:基于光纤光栅的风力发电机组健康检测关键问题研究